What’s a good place to rent/buy textbooks?

About to start the program and was wondering what’s a good place to rent/buy textbooks.

Also wanna know what textbooks actually come in handy that have been listed on the syllabus. Is there any place I can get the Coursepoint+ Lippincott somewhere cheaper??

@alia_gupta Lippincott direct is the only place you'll find the Lippincott textbooks at a discount, but even then, they're still very expensive. J1 you for sure need the Foundations and Assessments textbooks.
Lippincott direct is the only place you'll find the Lippincott textbooks at a discount, but even then, they're still very expensive. J1 you for sure need the Foundations and Assessments textbooks.
What about the ATI thing? How does that work??
Oh yeah ATI too. From what I remember, you make a payment in J1, then another patient in S1. It's not optional, you have to get it. There's a code you have to use. Idk it's been a while, but there should be information somewhere about how to purchase ATI.

Edit: by somewhere I mean somewhere on canvas, I know I’m in a canvas course for my cohort so I believe you are too Oh yeah ATI too. From what I remember, you make a payment in J1, then another patient in S1. It’s not optional, you have to get it. There’s a code you have to use. Idk it’s been a while, but there should be information somewhere about how to purchase ATI.

Edit: by somewhere I mean somewhere on canvas, I know I’m in a canvas course for my cohort so I believe you are too