What options do I have other than changing my major in this case?

I'm an engineering major, and I took the MRA exam before the fall and spring semesters. My best scores were 90/80/60 (just one question away from making it to calc 1). Unfortunately, I got a C- in MTH 114. I'm planning to try the MRA in person, but if I don't hit that last passing score, how much of a setback am I looking at? Would it be wiser for me to consider changing majors? I really love engineering, but I'm starting to doubt if I've got what it takes.
The mra is stupidly easy. The test itself is nearly identical to the practice MRA questions that UB gives on its website. study those for like an hour and you’ll definitely pass with flying colors

I’m somewhat confident that I’ll be able to pass, only need 1 section, my problem is if I fail I’ll be super behind on pre requisites and that will screw me over real bad.