University of Utah


Get real-time information about University of Utah from seniors who have gone through the whole process

This session will be hosted by Ashutosh Sharma, who completed his MS in Business Analytics at University of Utah, US. He will volunteer an hour to answer your queries. Prior to Utah, Ashutosh completed his BTech in Computer Science from ARYA Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur and has worked as Analyst for Aon, Gurgaon. During his Master’s degree, he worked as Data Analyst and Research Assistant at the University of Utah, and after completing his studies, he started working as Data Scientist for BB&T.
Here is how the Senior AMA works:

  1. Ask Qs now: You can start asking your questions right away right here.
  2. Answers via video: On Friday, August 23rd, at 7 PM, Ashutosh will answer your Qs via a webinar, which you can join here.
  3. Answers transcribed for future reference: We will transcribe Ashutosh’s answers and post them in response to your questions on this page.

Please post your queries here, Ashutosh will take these queries one by one in the session.

GyanDhan Team

Hi Ashutosh,
I have just completed my Btech in Computer Science. I do have an offer and the joining date is in November… So I wanted to know shud I work for a while or I shud get into Masters without experience?

What should be our approach for internships, and are internships options easily available for International students @ University of Utah

Hi Ashutosh,

1)I got admit for MS in Data Science through 1 semester pathway program at University of Alabama,Birmingham . How is it going to VISA interview as a pathway student?
2)What are the other scholarships apart from the University that students can apply?

I have already spoken to the admissions team, via email last week, there is a kind of confusion, whether the MSBA program is for 1 year or 2 years? Also, on the website of the University of Utah, it is no where mentioned that the program comes under STEM. So if you provide your inputs on the same

Please post you queries here, Ashutosh will to respond to each one.

This is for a friend, unfortunately, she couldnt join… is there any university which allows 15 years of formal education if i want to pursue Masters in Business analytics

Thanks for your comments. Did you receive any scholarship?

You studied MSBA, but are now working as a Data Scientist, a profile that requires more skills than taught in a typical MSBA course. How did you upskill yourself and how did you showcase your skills to BB&T bank…

Are there any scholarship options for cs masters in Utah?

How is the Career Centre at Utah? How did you leverage them? How will you suggest we leverage them?

That actually depends on to which field you want to do your masters, and in which domain or profile you have a job. If you have a job in the same profile as you want to do your masters, I would say like it would be like an extra edge if you have an experience in the same field. For eg: you said you did your Btech in Computer Science, and if you are getting a job, like, little bit, towards robotics or amputate kind of thing and you want to do your masters in the same field, it would be helpful and it will be adding up to your masters thing because when you will be applying for college applications, you have to mention in your SOP’s that right now I am doing this and I am letting in some of these things and that’s why I have decided to go for masters. If you will be working in Salt Lake, if you can say that in which field you have your job and in which field you want to do your masters that can give a clearer picture.

You can start your internship at the very first day of your program and when you are in India, you can apply for your internships and exams, the sessions start in the month of August. You can apply from the month of August or even from July. You can just tell them that you will be an upcoming student in the university of Utah like the same way we apply for a job you can apply for internships too while you are in India. All you need to do is to come here, show all your documents at the international office of city of Utah, you will get an authorization and then you can start up with your internship.

I have heard from most of my friends that in the university of Utah there is a department for this which works on your resume, works on your cover letter and also helps you for the interviews. So they have student services and career coaches or like academic advisers, like different universities have different nominations. I have heard all universities have small departments who takes care of all these things and they help you prepare your resume, cover letter, and also help you with interview skills. And the second was how much time they have before internship, right?

First of all congrats on getting an admit. Data science is really and very nice path and it is very much in demand also. It will kind of same thing just like the visa interview. Just like some of the mall questions, I do not have more details of how the students have their OPT and working permit and all. But I will say the visa process is like same. It won’t be very different. Scholarship basically depends upon your scores also, like in your LOR’s (Letter of Recommendation) if your professors or supervisors can mention we commend student XYZ to get an admit at our prestigious university with some financial aids, so that also helps you and yes obviously the marks and even if you are here and when you are doing your internships. So I would say all academics background will be helpful for getting in scholarship.

The program is basically that simple. If you want to complete in one year, like minimum 12 months, you can. If you want to extend you can extend. Especially students from India, they complete the program within one year to save time and money. But if you have more time or you are willing to spend more money, you can extend your masters, you can extend your studies for more than one year. And for MSBA rite? It’s a stamp program and I just got my working permit. I haven’t seen the website for a long time. I can share the feedback and mention this thing on their website. I have just completed my sem will be starting soon, so first you have OPT for one year and stem OPTs for 2 years. So my OPTs will be starting next month.

So for me when I was in MSBA, I didn’t. But in the last semester when I was doing Research Assistantship so my professor recommended me for this scholarship and he helped me for that. In the starting I applied for the 1st semester and I didn’t get the internship but in the 2nd semester, I started working as a Research Assistant and I asked my professor if she can give me a recommendation letter or if she can refer me. So in the summer semester I got the scholarship.

If it’s like core like you want to do an engineering or core branch, then you need a B’tech degree. But this business analytics, information systems, information Technology, there is a mix of all these fields and they are coming up with these programs. For this program, University of Utah I would say like the information system like MSIS, MSVA these programs, they consider 3-year program students which is like BSc stats, mathematics, economics, anything like science and business analytics fields you need these kind of skills also, so they prefer a 3 year course works also. But I would say if you are doing like MS in computer science with specialization in amputated or robotics programming language then you need a 4-year degree course.

Yeah so answering to that question, the MSBA program, I will not elaborate too much, I will just have say that the MSBA program, it was very much flexible in taking the subjects. Not only in MSBA, but in the United states it’s not like every semester you have to study particularly these 5 or 6 subjects, it’s up to you, what you want to study and what you want to work on. So it’s all your choice. My choice was, my preference was I want to go in my data field. So I started taking those kind of subjects. Continuing with that response, I would say like from the beginning of my course I was focused on this data field. After the first semester I decided to go into some machine learning or some python thing and that was, I felt very comfortable and that was very fascinating for me. So I just started taking a subject which was more indulged to data science thing. So that helped me to learn all these skill sets. The program seems to be like business analytics but it’s up to you, which subjects you want to take. Because in MSBA, we also have subjects like machine learning application, big data………………… So what kind of subjects you are taking during your studies that also depends upon what kind of job you will be getting at the end of the program. Hope that answers your question.