Honestly, this might not be a groundbreaking opinion for you, but we’re in desperate need of additional study areas. I’m genuinely impressed with the upgrades to the 4th floor of Snell. The layout is clever and efficient (plus, there’s an increase in seating). But, we need so much more like this. I dream of the school constructing another library with 4-8 floors, perhaps even including housing above it. If I ever hit it big, I’m donating to Northeastern specifically for this reason. And now I am thinking about getting a degree in architecture, and now I am thinking about the phrase train of thoughts and now I am thinking about trains.
This would be a game-changer for all students. We’re one of the top schools in the nation. We deserve a top-tier library, and this is something the administration can actually achieve. I hope some individual or group starts pushing for this.
It’d be great if there were additional printers available for student use. Saw about 30 people queuing up for the printers across both floors of Snell, and they’re always out of order.