Stevens Institute Technology


Thanks for the responses

I did not have any LOR from my college professors and the reason for that was, I had already been working for 2 and a half years, second thing is, I did my mechanical engineering in undergrad which is absolutely not related to analytics. So what I would suggest is, if your undergrad is the field in which your pursuing your masters in, say for example, you did your undergrad in industrial engineering and now you have come here for mechanical engineering or you did your undergrad in cs and your coming here for cs or IT then I think your HOD or professor, someone from your college would make sense, because they will be able to tell about your academic and technical knowledge. And in terms of your colleagues, like CEO / manager or whatever may be the case, they will be able to tell about your attitude, like how you look at work, how dedicated and stuff like that. So, depending on the qualities the program is looking for and specifically for what program your applying to, I think those two should dictate who should write your LOR.

There is a lot of courses available right now. The one that I suggest you which gives you a very good understanding about analytics is a course called ā€œ the analytics edgeā€ offered by MIT on the platform They have this course called the analytics edge offered by MIT, usually you know everything is paid now, but if you donā€™t want a physical certificate then you can audit the course for free. So you can go right now and go through the entire course if you want. That is the one I would definitely recommend. Thereā€™s a lot of courses on coursera, and Udacity, but yeah they are paid.


Yeah yeah absolutely. Infact one of my friends, heā€™s an economic background student from China and he also completed this course with me. I mean right now heā€™s really good at what he does. Background is not important specifically for BIA as long as you show the intent to get in Analytics and I think it should be enough.


As long as you can show that its equivalently valid to the US bachelors they will consider it. Thereā€™s an organization, WES. The idea is that you need to show that its equivalently valid to US bachelors. This WES organization like GRE, basically you send them transcripts, pay them a certain amount they will go through all your transcripts, they will have the historical records of all the universities, their courses and all those stuffs. And they will basically release a statement saying, we have checked and this is equivalent to a US bachelorā€™s degree. I know 3 years economic courses are valid as 4 year course here with the authorization of WES.
