Regarding course and university selection ms in us fall 2019


I needed a suggestion regarding my MS admission offers fall 2019.

Professional master’s degree (non-thesis) in computer science at Illinois institute of technology Chicago fall 2019

University of Texas at Dallas Master of science in business analytics (MSBA degree course) at naveen Jindal school of management

Which course and university would be beneficial in terms of placement / job opportunities

Appreciate your suggestions in this regard :blush:

Hi Rish,

I used our admit compare tool to compare IITC and UTD (check out the screenshot).

We would recommend going with UTD based as its employment and expected income is better than IITC. Also, the ranking also favors UTD and the cost is only marginally higher.

I have made some basic assumptions about your profile. You can generate your free Gyandhan report at

Hope this helps.