Plan Your Loan Repayment & Save Lakhs

When does loan repayment start? Is it possible to save while repaying?

Starting your study abroad loan repayment is important and it doesn’t have to be complicated. A wise plan should begin soon after loan disbursement, and although it requires a combination of planning and diligence, it doesn’t have to be complicated. To help you plan smartly in a simplified way, we invite you to join our upcoming webinar: Plan Your Education Loan Repayment.

What will you learn?
:white_check_mark: What happens if you do not repay your education loan?
:white_check_mark: Repayment tenures of study abroad loans from banks & NBFCs.
:white_check_mark: How can you save with a smart repayment plan?
:white_check_mark: How much can you lose without proper planning?
:white_check_mark: Learn about refinancing and reducing your EMIs.
:white_check_mark: Expert recommendations on repayment & refinancing options.

Start posting your questions here! We will respond to them in the webinar and here

Any penalty for prepayment

Hi Manoj,

There is no pre-payment penalty on education loans after 6 months of disbursement.

How mych interest rate can we negotiate if we have collateral ? say 70,00,000 value of property

when our loan Repayment starts

Will a recording of this webinar be provided , i was late

Hi Aravinth

The final interest rate depends on the lender. However, GyanDhan can help you negotiate up to 1% on interest rate if the collateral matches the terms and conditions of the lender.

Kindly check your loan eligibility here .

Team GyanDhan

Lets say I got a loan amount sanctioned for 2200000 for 2 year period at 12% at PSB. How to negotiate and initiate refinance process. This is the first time Im hearing about this. Does lender agree to initiate on this process once we get a job abroad after graduation?

can we use edu loans to create credit score/ history in the new country? How?


EMI starts after course duration + 6 months for government banks.
However, if you opt for an education loans from private banks or NBFCs, then you are required to pay simple or partial interest during you course duration.

Check your loan eligibility here.

For EX: I got a loan of 30,00,000 lacks , when interest rate starts suppose it starts from the day loan sanctioned or after completion of course + monatorium period…


The terms and conditions of the repayment schedule are finalized before the loan is sanctioned. However, the co-applicant has to pay simple or partial interest during the course period if the education loans is sanctioned from a private bank.

Which bank/NBFC accept a plot as collateral , while applying for education loan i was denied for the same … are there options accepting plots?


Yes you can build a credit score in the new country while using your education loan. To do so you have to ensure timely repayment. Along with that you can transfer some funds in your new credit card issued abroad. If you pay all the payments in time. Then that will result in a decent credit score.


Open plots with boundaries registered under municipalities are accepted by banks and NBFCs.

Check your loan eligibility here.

After sanctioned loan ,How we get Education loan it directly transfer to our own account else university , how we have to pay sem fees…Assume i have to pay sem 1 fee around: 5 lacks to whom i have to make a request to accept my funds…


The interest rates starts accumulation after the loan is disbursed.

Check your loan eligibility here.