On-Campus VS Off-Campus: What Accommodation Should Indian Students Choose in the US? | GyanDhan

When you’re thinking of studying abroad, one of the foremost factors to consider is the accommodation. What most students, especially those who are stepping out of their comfort zone for the first time, forget is that selecting a suitable accommodation for oneself is a mind-boggling task, with each type having its own set of pros and cons. To top that, the cost of accommodation in, for example, the USA is no small amount. Economic Times estimates that you shell out about INR 9 Lakhs (US) in a year mainly for living expenses. Yes, the cost of living includes various components like communication, transportation and incidentals (subsidiary or accompanying expenses). But one substantial part of it is accommodation. More accurately, it is one of the most expensive items that come within living cost.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.gyandhan.com/blogs/us-on-campus-vs-off-campus?fbclid=IwAR2OEdsqDG-DEtCbd0gYwHzrV-L329IIUdsOncGv3-YDtKZrucbP2gaG_KA