My GRE score is 305 (V143, Q162) , IELTS S7.5, R6.5, W6.5, L6.5 GPA 5.57, and work experience of 30 months. what are my chances for MS in Business Analytics Or Data Science

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If you’re aiming for universities that require GRE scores, getting accepted depends on their specific rules. In the US, even students with a decent GRE scores end up on a waitlist. If you have time, it could be worth considering a retake. Otherwise, check if there are any options with a waiver.

Keep in mind, this varies a lot based on your profile, country of application, and the specific university you’re eyeing. If you want some advice tailored to your situation, feel free to reach out to me for a chat about your profile.

Sumpda Bajaj
MOWE Abroad