Missed the deadline for presidential scholarship. Is it even possible to make it up?

Missed the deadline for presidential scholarship. Is it even possible to make it up???

I couldn’t afford the application fee at the time and missed the December 1 application deadline for the presidential scholarship. I have a 1370 sat and 3.8 GPA so I was really hoping on getting it but now I’m crushed with this feeling of regret. Should I email them? I just got enough money to apply now and I’m rn going through that process. Hopefully I can stleast get a good maverick academic scholarship

Your GPA and SAT were below their guidelines for it - https://www.uta.edu/administration/fao/scholarships/presidential-scholar

You probably would not have gotten it. Maverick is likely.

You might still get the maverick one so I would suggest to go for it, you can search for additional scholarships on MavScholarshop.