McGill University


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How much influence a senior professor can have on admission committe if he is ready to supervise a graduate student and approves the application?

Thank you for the question Almas, I think at this point of career where you are a working professional MBA is a logical next step ahead and all the best for your preparation. For part time MBA, even I was thinking of part time but I realized it would be, now this is my perspective, you can acknowledge your perspective and see how things go differently for you but for me I think part time would have been on top of my work, it would have been very difficult because your minds gets distracted in two things and MBA comes with lectures, assignments, exams and everything, so for me it might have happened that either I am concentrating only on MBA or I am concentrating only on my work, so one of the works would have left out any of the ways for me! And another thing was part time MBA takes double the time so I did not want to give up 3 years or something like, current McGill part time is 3 years and full time you have choice between 1 year or 2 year, so you should weigh your options, if you think you could handle it, nothing better than that, it is amazing! And advantages of full time program for a candidate like you, again I am not sure which profession you are working in but there are so many things out there where if you are at a senior position or if, you will be in a senior position wherever you are in the next five years or ten years, there are multiple things to do in an industry and when we do our undergrad.

We just know one thing that you are from economics background or you are from commerce background, we know just one of the things but when you do your MBA you know something out of everything, so when you are on a higher level you can manage all these things, you should know yourself for managing that, thatā€™s important, as far as my programme is related, you can do regular MBA from whichever concentration you like, if you like marketing more or if you want to get into sales more, so you can take courses accordingly, I specifically chose strategy and analytics because analytics is where the world is going right now, so, I chose more of the subjects from analytics and it resonates with my background as well being from software and strategy because strategy comes with a couple of things that you will be needing at the higher stages of your career. So, this is just one of the mindset thinking strategy and analysis but there are so many of my friends. Again! If you are from my background, there are people doing concentration in marketing or in finance. So, it depends on where you go!


The management faculty is quite good, they provide 3-4 post graduate management courses, one of them is MMA which is for analytics, another is MMF for finance, and third one is MBA which is again full time, part time and executive. So this is it from the offering perspective and one thing that I really liked about this management faculty is that they have dedicated career services team and in this career services team, each of the student like single one of us are given a coach who will guide us throughout, we have weekly or bi-weekly sessions with the coach not even that you can book your calendar and talk to them, so they will look at your overall profile, like which coach is beneficial for us, and how is our mind working because every person is different.

I am very quick in things if I think of something I usually get it done as quickly as possible, there are some people who take their time and research about the things and go about it, so, they give advice accordingly so thatā€™s helpful and McGill MBA is different from its peers because they select from the world only 65 people per year, if you see other universities even American or Canadian, there are universities who pick 700 students a year or 400 students a year, whereas here, they pickup each person differently, In our class of 65 no personā€™s background is similar to the next personā€™s background. Every one of us are completely unique, there are journalists, fashion models, doctors and neuro PhD people in our class.

Everyone is super different, so you get to know each and every aspect together whereas what I have talked during my internship from other universities, if there are similar kind of people in a batch, they kind of stay together and stay within that group, itā€™s their mindset.

Canadian Job Market compared to US job market is very small, if you are aware of Canadian population there is a joke going around with Indians; Mumbai + Delhiā€™s population = Canadaā€™s population, so, they are that small! But itā€™s growing, so, if you have time go for one B Schools and if you donā€™t have time like me one short or something, go for it because if you are attending a two years masters in Canada, you get three year work permit and in three years you will find a smaller company or startup for the six months, after that you are going to switch and get a better one so, trying for a better school is obviously better but if no time is their then go for it as you get three years of work permit! Itā€™s not like U.S. where you get only one year OPT or something, I am not aware of the rules, but itā€™s somewhere like you get 1 years or something!

So, if you do any masters of two years over here you get a three year work permit and if you do masters of one year, you get one year work permit! So, just do masters of two years then you will have three years over here, thatā€™s okay.
3 years of experience or 3.5 years of experience is still considered as very less experience for MBA so, if you are coming in with 3-4 years of experience, you should try to improve your marks but the year I came in McGill was in No.1 for MBA but I still got in with 670, so they will still look at your complete profile but I do know of a couple of schools who do not look at profiles less than 700 of GMAT, they will only look at your profile only if there is something completely extraordinary in your profile, then only do they go beyond their scope. I think they are Rotman and New BC Ponder. Only if you have something extraordinary in your profile then only they will consider you if you less than 700! Rotman for sure! It is a good school though!


If you are going for MBA GMAT is preferable but either of them are ok, and for this program strategy and analytics, itā€™s nothing you have to come here and your coaches will help you out in figuring out which should be your concentration, so my coaches helped me out; I was initially planning on doing strategy and leadership only, but my coach helped me out and since analytics resonates with my profile, she said that I can do it in two years, so why not get a dual degree, so, it depends upon your profile, for the concentrations you donā€™t have to do anything!

Hey Tarun! Very difficult question! Top companies would mean different, top companies in consulting or top companies in Finance or top companies in Tech or Top companies in Marketing, very different, if you are going for suppose consulting, itā€™s all networking and grades, so, from 4 GPA you have to have a 3.7 GPA plus you have to network your way in very properly, you have to be amazing in communication and you have to keep on talking to people and itā€™s completely different whereas if you want to be in top companies in Tech say that would be something like Google or Facebook or something in that case you have to be very good at tech part, Google is very good at AI and analytics right now, so you have to be great at that plus you have to be good at MBA, so it completely depends on your skills if you are going for tech companies! For Finance you have to do CPA, CFA, then these papers you have to be qualified at CPA or CFA level 1, 2, 3 and then you can go into the finance company.


It is true! But I think they are changing the schedule from 2020. I am not sure; I think you should message this to our recruitment Carine Nahman. If you go to McGill MBA page, you will find her profile and her email address over there. You can go ahead and ask her, I think they are changing this and a couple of more things from 2020.

Again, a very difficult question! To be honest, I am not aware of PhD in Management, I would suggest if you have any college in mind I think you should write it to their recruitment or their professors directly or someone like GyanDhan, they might be able to help you out with these kinds of things!

I can talk from my class perspective, I have a guy in my class who has 14 years of experience who is doing MBA with me and there is a girl who has 2 years of experience and that girl is really amazing like her GMAT scores were amazing and her profile was extraordinary, it depends from 2 years to 14 years it can lie anywhere depending upon your GMAT score and profile.5 years is the average work experience in my class.

If itā€™s McGill and you have zero work experience, no, they will not take you for MBA because for MBA you have to have experience! But, again as I said there are other master courses over here like MMA and MMF- Analytics and Finance. So, if you are interested in Management in Analytics or management in Finance, you can join those!


I can talk from my class perspective, I have a guy in my class who has 14 years of experience who is doing MBA with me and there is a girl who has 2 years of experience and that girl is really amazing like her GMAT scores were amazing and her profile was extraordinary, it depends from 2 years to 14 years it can lie anywhere depending upon your GMAT score and profile.5 years is the average work experience in my class.

If itā€™s McGill and you have zero work experience, no, they will not take you for MBA because for MBA you have to have experience! But, again as I said there are other master courses over here like MMA and MMF- Analytics and Finance. So, if you are interested in Management in Analytics or management in Finance, you can join those!


Kinds of questions are mostly ā€˜What are your strengths and weaknesses?ā€™, ā€˜What did you do before?ā€™, ā€˜What were your challenges?ā€™ and ā€˜If you had any disruption in your work, how did you handle it?ā€™, ā€˜If you ever had a fight with your senior and how did you handle it?ā€™ These kind of normal questions that you could find on any website. No Hacks to Crack I think but just be yourself and be prepared for these questions. If you have a consultant, keep on trying, these are very standard questions keep on answering them, do not fumble like I am fumbling right now, because I am not prepared for these kinds of questions, so, that shows that you are confident, you are prepared and be on top of yourself and SMILE! Just simple things!

Thank you so much for this


Sports is one of the ways to go, they really care about that so if you have any certificate or anything in Sports that would count. Startups- Nowadays they count a lot! You and your friends can get together and form a startup, its okay, it can fail, and there is nothing wrong with it failing just form a startup! If many of you are software people around there, create an app, create a website, do something on your own which no one has ever told you do, that helps a lot! And artistic, like something you like drawing, painting or writing or singing, anything, put it on YouTube, show it to the world, show that you are something apart from medals and certificates, it helps.

If the professor has said then itā€™s confirmed, itā€™s okay! Chill! I donā€™t know why a professor would lie, what a professor got to do with it!

IELTS score should be well above 7.5 in all the four sections.

No, there are university residences you have to apply to get places from there, but they do not provide it, you have to pay for it. And university provided houses are way better than others, the facilities are way better, so, you have to pay more actually, comparatively!

So, it is a two step thing, each professor has a TA or Teaching Assistant, you can anytime email or go and ask the professor whenever you have any doubt or anything and they know that you donā€™t know anything! I asked the most stupid questions in accounts and I think he might still be laughing at me, but they helped. They are super helpful! If itā€™s very simple or something they might ask their TA to do it, so you can just ask your teaching assistant and if itā€™s difficult they might sit with you! One of my professors, she sat with me one hour out of the class just two days before the exams because I told her I did not understand anything and she was like come to my office, Iā€™ll explain you, and she sat with me for an hour and explained me! So, they will try and fill you as much as they can. Again, it might be Canadian politeness or it might be happening in every college but you donā€™t have to worry about something that you donā€™t know and have to do it yourself!