I’m looking for employment opportunities, so if anyone knows where I can apply, please let me know. Thank you. I really don’t want to waste my time doing nothing when I know I could be working.
Hi Pooja,
In NEU, of course, because of many students, finding an on-campus job is not easy, however, if you regularly monitor the workday and apply to new jobs daily, you will definitely be getting responses. There are also a few fixed jobs like RSO and ITS (Library). For RSO look out for them on the workday around 1 month before the semester ends. The selection is totally a lottery-based system where you will be working as residential security officer for undergraduate dorms. For ITS, you will be working in the library, just go to Snell and ask about this on the desk.
I would suggest to talk to as many people as possible to make connections. Most chances of getting an on-campus jobs through referrals and connections.
If interested in being a TA/RA, don’t hesitate to cold-email/ reach out to professors of your interest.
In short, just be pro-active around everything, talk to each and every person, you will get to know about many other new jobs as well.
All the best ! Remeber to monitor your workday and apply daily.