I’m a first year student so I’m not sure how snow would affect class

If it ends up snowing on Monday would the first day of class end up getting canceled? I commute so this is kind of a concern knowing Texas, the roads will be icey. I’m a first year student so I’m not sure how snow would affect class
Hi @Dubeyy2423 UTA is pretty good about considering commuters when dealing with bad weather. If you haven’t heard anything from the school and it’s too dangerous to drive, just email your professor and they will understand. I haven’t had any issues with any of my professors when dealing with bad weather
I'd like to strongly disagree. They wait till we are already on our way to class in the am to be like oppsy we decided to cancel after all
Which is why if you haven’t heard anything and it’s too dangerous to just communicate with your professor. That when you have to be an adult and make a decision without someone telling you what to do