How to Prepare for GRE Quantitative Section? | GyanDhan

GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination and is conducted by ETS every year. The test scores are useful for you to get into top graduate schools for master degree programs, including MS. Speaking of the importance of GRE sectional scores, the requirement of minimum GRE sectional scores varies as per the program and university you are choosing. A certain program may focus on one section more than the other, and therefore, in such cases, a candidate will have to ensure that he/she performs well in that particular section. All in all, to get a good overall score, one needs to ace all the sections equally well. One has to, therefore, prepare each section thoroughly. While you can swing by the following if you are looking for GRE preparation guides for other sections, this article will specifically focus on how to prepare for GRE Quantitative section.

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