How much trouble is my friend in?

He’s in his first year at UB. Last semester, he had to drop a chemistry course because he wasn’t passing. He also failed Bio200, ending up with a 1.000 GPA for the fall semester, which I believe is the lowest UB can assign. This spring, he’s only enrolled in two courses.

is that your friend or you bro😭

Academically if it’s his first year and he learns how to study he’ll be fine. Financially he’s down at least $5000 for that first semester, more for dorms + food. If can take loans out (or even better if he can pay out of pocket) for summer and he’d be caught up a good amount. Either way if he works hard (even just taking 1 extra class per semester with no summer classes) he can definitely graduate on time. Personally I fucked up my first year and a half beyond comprehension, learned how to study, and moved on. You either figure it out in high school or learn you can’t half ass a difficult college major once you get here. It comes harder for different people, whether it’s partying, freedom, friends, drugs, sex, etc. Tell him not to give up…

If he opts for the computer-based test, he should be okay

It’s quite a significant sum to squander. I’m curious about who’s footing the bill. When parents cover the costs, it can sometimes lead to a lack of concentration… I noticed a shift in my own focus and dedication during my second to fourth years, after I took financial responsibility for my education, especially following a first year that my parents paid for and I didn’t take seriously.

I managed a 0.888 GPA in my first year as an aerospace major, but two years on, I’ve switched to Civil Engineering and I’m still going strong. They’ll be alright; it really just boils down to managing finances.

Did you (or should I say, your friend) manage to snooze through the whole semester?

Based on what I’ve been through, a 1.000 isn’t the lowest GPA you can end up with at UB. If you don’t pass any of your courses, it can drop to 0.000. I’m telling you this from my own journey – I managed to graduate on schedule despite having two rough semesters. It’s entirely possible to bounce back and earn your degree if you’re determined. If your friend isn’t already in LAI 203, I’d recommend signing up for it. It’s designed to help students facing academic challenges by improving their study and time management skills, plus it’s an opportunity to secure an easy A.

The real challenges will be maintaining eligibility for his major and managing tuition fees. To qualify for loans, he’ll need a GPA of 2.0 or above. I had to pay for one semester myself while working to improve my GPA during my sophomore fall. Loans are reviewed in August, but if he improves his GPA by fall, he could qualify for loans for the spring semester. However, he should be prepared to lose any financial aid or scholarships by fall, and regaining them might not be an option.

you can’t reel it in, can you man? Let this girl have her peace :joy::joy:

Advise him to consult with his academic advisor. Taking summer courses might be a good strategy to improve his GPA.

This is how it’s done😎

Who died and put you in charge buddy boy?


If he doesn’t start organizing himself and enrolling in summer courses right away, he’s going to be in a hell of a lot more shit.


Advise him to consult with his academic advisor. Taking summer courses might be a good strategy to improve his GPA

That might be your sense of humour and you inability to take a joke :joy::joy:

If he doesn’t start organizing himself and enrolling in summer courses right away, he’s going to be in deep shit.