How has getting your MBA opened up doors for you?

How has getting your MBA opened up doors for you?

Obtaining an MBA proved instrumental in my career transition from engineering to management consulting, enabling me to seamlessly navigate the language of business. The esteemed Chicago Booth brand consistently bolstered my professional standing, aiding me in securing venture financing for a company and fostering success in business development and consulting roles. Over the years, the solid foundation in business skills acquired during my MBA has been a key asset, transcending both business and academic pursuits. Now, almost two decades later, I am embarking on a PhD in behavioral finance, a passion ignited by certain MBA courses. The MBA experience not only opened doors but also laid the groundwork for sustained success across diverse professional domains.

I have been working working at a firm after I did my gradution and I am kind of stuck here.

Also, I am kind of torn between the thoughts of executive MBA or a regular one

I personally do not think that you have anything to worry about. You can just use your experience and can get a better placement opportunity from better firms

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And do not stress about it
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I know where you’re coming from. I completed my grad in 2018 and joined as an employee in a firm, and obviously I was getting paid enough for my daily needs and much more so I did not budge much. But my job required an MBA degree if I wanted to get a promotion. Although I did an executive MBA, but it fulfilled the requirements for the position.

Yeah, I have thought about that too. But still I am a bit confused about the whole executive MBA and regular MBA scenario

Did you feel like doing regular MBA after that, I mean because of the exposure or something?

It totally depends on you, I mean i wanted a promotion in the domain that I was working in. So the only requirement for me was to get a degree. And talking about the exposure, you do not have much of that if you’re doing it online. But on the knowledge basis, It covers all the things other than practical exposure of university life

Just researched about all the pros and cons for the same. And your priorities, you will be alright

Haha, chill bro. Just see what you wanna do, and what you will get from the particular type of MBA program

Yeah , same!