Are you able to pay for expenses and loans from the salary from co-op?

Are you able to pay for expenses and loans from the salary from co-op. I already have an admit for Computer Science. Can you shed some light on how good the program is for research and then getting a job later through this. Do you suggest the college for MS in CS generaly and not for Cybersecurity in particular

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For the first two semesters I took loan and for the last 2 semesters I paid the entire loans by myself. If you have an admit for CS please please don’t worry about your money, you will definitely earn your money. It’s pretty good, there are a couple of subjects, it depends on your interest. If you want to do research you can reach out to professors and ask for their recommendations or ask to work with them. I’m not sure about the question. I would definitely suggest if you have a chance to do MS in CS definitely go for it at NEU.