SUNY Buffalo MIS vs UIC Chicago MIS

There are a lot of factors to consider -
UIC Chicago has a more tech-based curriculum whereas the curriculum of Suny Buffalo also inculcates management with technology.

Your concern about internships and jobs is quite valid if you go to Suny Buffalo. The shorter duration of the course might pose problems. Also, UIC ranks better in terms of employment probability and starting salary. So it is likely that UIC will provide a great start to your career.

The next concern about expenses, there is no way around it except taking an education loan and managing your finances. If you decide on UIC, the loan amount will increase. However, with a longer course period, you will have time to find internships and jobs. Some of the recruiters for UIC are Digital Mark Group, PwC, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma & Texas (Source - GyanDhan’s University Compare tool).

Both colleges have pros and cons. But you should go to a college with a curriculum that suits your professional needs.