Education Loan Application : Things to Remember

What is the process of getting a i20 from the university ?. Can we show the education loan confirmation from bank to get an i20 (or) Is it mandatory to show liquid assets(FDs, LIC) with financial supporter in my (father’s) name in bank account ? Please explain the process in detail for clear understanding.

I posted the question today morning sir.

Thank you so much for your reply! I’ve already contacted one of your counsellors but I’m still in the middle of the my application process, haven’t got an offer as yet. However I’m aiming at top universities in the UK which would probably require more than 25 lakhs since living costs are also quite high. I’m very glad to hear that you said it’s one of the best times to apply to the UK!

i have taken an education loan for bachelors of 3 lacks from UBI and have been paying it back correctly. Now if want to get an education loan of about 15-20 lacks for my masters in Germany will that be possible?

Will the rate of interest varies with the land/house collateral

Is it possible to do my building evaluation in my town SBI and get a loan from Chennai SBI (City) ?